Debt Free Road Map

Welcome to the Debt Busting Cowboy! Years ago one of my tenants was struggling, and rather than adding to his struggles and starting the eviction process, I asked him if he and his wife would be willing to sit down with me. It was the first time I shared my our family's struggles with someone else in order to help them. 

That night, they welcomed us into their home, and we broke bread and discussed their finances. We spent the next couple of hours pouring over their situation, and I showed them a path forward. A path that not only satisfied me as a landlord, but also helped to eventually free them of the weight of their debts. 

When we left that night, they had a road map to follow, and an ally to help keep them accountable. They worked hard, and we extended some grace then one day he presented me with a check that signified that he and I were caught up. He also let me know that they were well on their way to making things right with others.  
I wish I could sit down with everyone, but that's just not possible. What I do though is to offer a FREE roadmap to anyone who wants it. No upsells.